If you want to create the maximum interest and attention from Piedmont or Montclair home buyers, you must be prepared to invest some funds into making your property one of the most attractive to potential buyers.  The good news is that it does not have to cost a great deal of money, but can, with some planning, reward you in the long run by increasing the value of your home, thus allowing you to recoup your expenses while meeting these goals. 

1. Clean, Organize, and Simplify Each Room--The goal is to present a fresh, open, and easy to appreciate space in every room of the home.

2. Spend Time Creating A Pleasant Atmosphere in Every Room--Have some style or design for each room, so it is easily viewed, and is immediately appealing.  Take some time…

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Compared to it's neighbors of Oakland and San Francisco, Piedmont seems like a very small city indeed.  While it isn't large in size, it does have a very interesting history, which may be unknown to some of it's Piedmont residents. Many do not know that silk was produced here at the last of the 19th Century, that a very popular amusement park was in place on the west side of the city during that same time frame, or that an elaborate labryrinth and adjoining park was once in place where Witter Field stands today. 

The Piedmont Historical Society has been established to provide that education to all who are interested.  Located at 358 Hillside Drive in Piedmont, it houses a collection of all kinds of historic memorabilia for those who want to discover…

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Every year, the delightfully titled "Boo at the Zoo" event attracts Oakland families to join in all kinds of Halloween fun centered around the zoo animals and the many scheduled Halloween themed events planned for zoo visitors-big and small.  

  Scheduled for BOTH Saturday, October 26th and Sunday, October 27th, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the event promises a wealth of activities designed to  maximize contact, and provide information for the children about the animals.  An example is the Wildlife Theater Animal Encounter at 11:30 a.m., and 12:15 p.m.. In between these times is the Costume parade at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. with the Zoo's mascot Roosevelt joining in. All children 2-14 in costume will receive a free ride ticket. 

There are…

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When Piedmont residents and schoolchildren come to Mulberry's Market in downtown Piedmont to pick up a special treat or sandwich, they may not be aware that this market was named in honor of part of the historic events surrounding an amazing historical site in the city--the Piedmont Ladies' Silk Culture Club. Created during the era of the Arts and Crafts Movement, which stressed creative and imaginative artistic endeavors, it was located just a few blocks away from the market at the top of Oakland Avenue. 

At this site, were over 6000 mulberry trees, and a two story building in which more than 100 women worked spinning the thread that came from the cocoons that grew among these mulberry trees.  It was in fact, the first factory in Piedmont, and the…

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Halloween is not far away, and Piedmont families are making plans to attend two upcoming events which promise lots of fun, and a huge variety of things to do while waiting for the "big night" on the 31st.  The appealing "Haunted Halloween Bash" is first on their list. Scheduled for Friday, October 25th, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., it is designed to attract K-5th grade children to attend a super party filled with games with a Halloween theme, a dance party, a magic show and the thrills of a mini haunted house.  If they get hungry while enjoying all this activity, snacks and treats are available. Costumes are encouraged to stay with the theme of the activities, and add to the fun. They should meet at the Buzz Redford Gym at Piedmont Middle School, 740 Magnolia…

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One of the most popular parks in Oakland is Montclair Park.  Located in the heart of Montclair Village, it offers a quiet place for lunch break under a tree, while listening to the water spray from the fountain in the center of the pond.  This gentle, scenic pond is often seen with ducks floating on the water, and settling in amid the greenery around the edges. 


This park is truly designed to serve Oakland residents, especially if they have a sports inclination.  There are basketball courts, tennis courts, a softball field, and training during the year is available for youth softball and flag football.  The little ones are not left out, and play structures designed for them are available, and used on a daily basis.  One of the most popular…

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No matter where you want to buy a home, be it Piedmont, Montclair, or Oakland, the same basic rules apply once you see a home that you want to purchase.  Although I will be assisting you through all these steps to assure that you present the very best offer, it is helpful to plan ahead, so that when that special event arrives, you will be ready. 

1. One of the buyer's most important considerations is knowledge about the house and the neighborhood. Once you decide on that special home, I will be glad to assist you with market analyses and comparable sales information, so you will have a full sense of the marketplace that you will be working in.  You will then have a sense of what other buyers have paid for similar homes in the area, and how those…

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While many Montclair homeowners travel to San Francisco by car and BART today, they had another option just under a century ago--The Sacramento Northern Railway (SNR).  Beginning in 1928, the SNR provided service for both passengers and freight, going from San Francisco through Emeryville and Oakland, and then through Montclair, and on into Contra Costa County. Montclair residents can conduct their own mystery tour throughout the area to locate the actual path of the train through the village.  Clues are still visible in some areas.  The first clue is what is called "Shore Line Pocket Part" at Thornhill and Moraga.  To get there, the line passed by Lake Temescal, came along what is now Highway 13, and crossed the impressive trestle built at that…

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