A very valuable service is being offered by the Piedmont Police and Fire Department to Piedmont homeowners.  They are now offering emergency notifications through a system called CodeRED. The previous system of Public Safety Dispatches was discontinued on September 16th of this year, so if you, as a resident, still have the old system in place, it is no longer operational.  To continue to receive urgent public safety information, you must turn to the most current format--CodeRED. 


The city of Piedmont is offering this program at no cost.  Registration is simple.  Just go to the CodeRED site and provide your name, address and phone number, and, if you wish, your e-mail contact information.  Details: http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/?p=698. You can…

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As every Oakland resident knows, each Holiday season marks the lighting of the Christmas lights at the Oakland Mormon Temple, which is located high atop a prominent hill above the city.  This is an annual event that many wait for as a signal to start the beginning of the Christmas festivities.  This wonderful spectacle of celebratory lights is visible from much of the San Francisco Bay area.  Parking around the temple allows spectacular views of San Francisco and Oakland below, as well.

Arriving at the entrance, visitors are greeted with a a flowing creek that works up towards the temple, and runs between fountains splashing water. The creek is surrounded on each side by lush gardens and tall palm trees. These are highlighted with plentiful and…

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Whether home buyers are brand new, or old timers, certain basic procedures apply when preparing to buy a home.  Most of these are undertaken in conjunction with a real estate agent who can assist you in meeting your final home purchasing goals.  As an experienced agent, it is my goal to help you move forward in the most efficient way possible to obtain your new Montclair home.  Actually, that is the first step that should be taken--find an experienced, well informed agent to guide you along your path.  His or her experience in isolating your needs, finding your home, and negotiating its purchase should be your number one goal. 

Here are some additional things to consider when preparing to buy a home:

1. Know Your Finances- Take the time to…

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Yes, it's just around the corner--Thanksgiving Day. Also just around the corner, on that very same day is the annual Piedmont Turkey Trot. This is a family oriented 3 mile run/walk that starts in downtown Piedmont, and moves throughout the beautiful tree lined streets of the city, providing beautiful fall views and safe, comfortable, running conditions. 

Early registration provides you with a bit of a discount.  If you register by November 26th, the fees are $25 for ages 13 years and older, and $15 for 12 years and younger. (After November 26th, it becomes $40/$30).  Also early registration provides you with an opportunity to receive a commemorative long-sleeved shirt if you are among the first 1800 signed up.  If you are not sure of your schedule,…

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With the Holiday Season upon us, many are starting to think about ways to give, not only to family and friends, but to our larger community as well. By starting, or continuing, family traditions of community service, kids get the chance to learn and participate, becoming the next generation to care for the world. There are a lot of inspiring events and causes here in the Bay Area to get your holiday spirit going, so choosing can be fun.

To get you started, I thought I'd mention Piedmont's very own Havens Community Service Crew, and some of the organizations that they work with. The Havens Community Service Crew is a great way to get your elementary school kids involved in community service, with monthly weekday and weekend activities. Working with…

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You are considering selling your Montclair home. You are wondering if it is worth taking the time and money to stage it.  There is just no question that a clean, bright, and visually appealing home will command more buyer attention that one that appears uncared for and drab.  Obviously, the former condition inspires confidence in the buyer that the home has been appreciated and attended to, and will cause it to stand out among its competitors in the real estate marketplace.  If your goal is to move your home promptly, and command a competitive price, you might want to consider the conclusions that were arrived at by StagedHome.com last year on this subject. 

Whether a buyer looks at a home online or during an Open House or home tour with his…

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Oakland's Montclair Village homeowners and neighbors have two special events to choose from this weekend.  The first is an opportunity to help in turning the Montclair Library grounds into a beautiful spot to visit.  This Saturday, November 16th, (and again on November 23rd),volunteers are encouraged to attend Community Gardening Days for Montclair Library.  The goal is to turn the present backyard of the library into a very special garden--one with low water use, bird and butterfly friendly plants, and featuring native plants. Volunteers are encouraged to bring labor, tools, benches, birdhouse, plants, etc. and join others from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on both Saturdays.  If you don't know what to bring, there is a list available for your reference. …

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One of the most important events in selling your Oakland home is to have it inspected before the sale, so that both you, and the future buyers, know it's condition-both structurally and functionally.  Many future negotiations will revolve around the home inspection, so it is important that it be done correctly and efficiently.   

I am going to suggest that the most efficient time to have this home inspection is just before your put your home on the market.  While this may be a bit concerning to some sellers because of what may result, it really makes sense in many, if not most, cases.  Why?  Because knowing your issues ahead of time puts you in control of the direction that will be taken.  Here is why:

a. It puts you in control of what you can…

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FORBES' Magazine has just released their annual list of America's Most Expensive Zip Codes.  Working with Altos Research of Mountain View, who calculated the median home prices of more than 22,000 U.S. ZIP codes, using data from listings of both single family and condos, and using a 90 day period rolling average, they arrived at this list of the top the nation's 500 Most Expensive Zip Codes.

Not surprisingly, Silicon Valley homes topped the list.  #1 was Atherton, CA with a Median Home Price of $6,665,231, with Average Days on the Market of 141 days.  Second place went to Los Altos Hills at $5,404,692, with an Average Days on the Market total of 85 days.

So what does this mean to Piedmont homeowners?  First of all, Piedmont's ZIP code Median…

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While the Chabot Space and Science Center always has exciting things for nearby Oakland and Piedmont residents, these next few weeks promise more excitement as the Center prepares for the projected arrival of Comet ISON which is expected to trek around our sun in the near future. No matter what their age, children can be involved in learning about world of science and space.  Events include:

1. TYKE EXPLORER PROGRAM-Designed for 3-5 year olds, these Tuesday night presentations involve lessons from instructors, self-guided learning and hands on experimentation.  Advance registration is required, and this month's theme is "Flying Through Space".  There are three program presentation times scheduled each Tuesday to meet the needs of the little ones. …

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