While on my way to meet a friend at the new Alameda Theater I was reflecting on the diversity of retail opportunities on the 3 short blocks of the central Park Street shopping area.  After the movie, we wandered down to Tomatina for an early dinner.  As we walked, I began to take note of which businesses were on Park St. and I was pleasantly surprised.Starting at Lincoln and Park Street, and continuing down just 3 short blocks to Encinal, a shopper can find two antique stores, a large bookstore, four children’s stores selling toys and clothing, your standard Peet’s and Starbucks, a coin dealer, two bicycle shops, a store devoted to dogs, a large shoe store,  a handsome high end clothing store, and restaurants too numerous to list, but with food choices ranging from German to Thai to Chinese to Mexican and Italian.Unlike so many older downtowns which are quickly fading, this street has chosen to develop niches that one will never find at a mall. It invites a walk, a browse, and a leisurely cup of coffee--all of which I enjoyed! Posted by Bruce Wagg on
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