Found 8 blog entries tagged as Alameda Bay Farm Island Homes for Sale.

Just moments from Oakland and central Alameda, is an outstanding collection of family homes that offer spectacular daily views of the San Francisco Bay area.  This slice of scenic beauty is found on Bay Farm Island in Alameda, and features hiking and biking trails all along its water's edge, making living here a delightful experience.  

Just steps away from the seaside trail seen above, is this spacious home located at 2831 Sea View Parkway. .  Its curb appeal is undeniable.  The handsome design of the home, with its lush green lawn, combines with well established, and varied, plantings and an appealing shade tree, to provide a pleasant welcome for guests.  It offers 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in a generous 2483 sf +/- of living space.  

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Many cities in the San Francisco Bay area have homes on the water.  The closest ones here are found in Alameda, on Alameda Bay Farm Island, and Ballena Bay.  Whether you want a condo, townhome or single family home, there are many things to consider when purchasing a home on, or near, the water. It is especially important to take a moment to review your choice of homes, when you know that due to their pleasant views and ambiance, they are often more expensive compared to similar homes in the neighborhood that are not by the water.

 The very best features of having a home next to a bay, stream or ocean is the view of the water, and the pleasing atmosphere of the plants and wildlife that greet you every morning from your deck and  picture…

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We in the Bay area are very lucky to have so many homes on, or near, the water.  Whether it be a quiet lagoon on Alameda Bay Farm Island, alongside a stream in the Oakland hills, or next to San Francisco Bay in Alameda, the choices are numerous and varied.  Because of their appeal, they can often be a bit more expensive than a similar home elsewhere, so it is important to consider the issues concerning their purchase so you can be assured that you have the best value for your money.

The Pluses of Purchasing A Home On The Water:

1. The presence of water often creates a soothing, gentle atmosphere within and around the home.  Often, one can observe the plants, wildlife, and small animals that are usually adjacent to these streams and bays. 


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In my last blog-Part 1-I encouraged sellers to consider some of the qualities that they might consider when selling their Alameda home, or their Alameda Bay Farm Island home.  There are some additional qualities which are mandatory for all successful real estate agents:

1. Posseses A Thorough Knowledge of Real Estate Paperwork and Protocol-In this competitive field, the agent needs to know all about the basic real estate purchase contract, addendums, disclosure forms, listing and selling procedures, whom to talk to, when to talk to them,and in what order and manner.  This only comes with experienced and thorough training.  You need to assure yourself that your agent is qualified to help you by asking lots of questions.  Ask for referrals from the…

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There comes a time, when selling your Alameda or Alameda Bay Farm Island home, that potential buyers will be touring your home.  It is a fact that a large majority of homes today have pets.  They might be cats, dogs, birds or hamsters, but they are part of the household.  As such, they can create some issues for potential buyers viewing the home.

Here are some suggestions to prepare for visits:

1. Recognize a Problem With a Pet--If your dog barks, jumps up or leaps around, or your cat scratches anything that moves, it is time to make plans to find a safe, quiet, place for that pet during open houses and tours.  Many owners are used to this behavior, and have been unable or unwilling to change it.  Unfortunately, it creates the exact opposite of the…

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When homes are for sale, the listing will state that there are a certain number rooms in the home, and itemizes the number of bedrooms and baths.  One of the most overlooked ways to add appeal to the house, and make it appear larger, it to devote time to developing and expanding the backyard patio.  With a little planning and effort, it can become, in essence, an additional room for use by the family, especially with the moderate weather of Alameda homes and Alameda Bay Farm Island homes.  Most home developers have recognized this concept, and have designed a means of bringing the outdoors in, and by the use of large sliding glass doors to the outside patio or seating area, plus the other clever techniques listed below.

Here Are Some Ideas to Expand…

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There are so many homes in the San Francisco Bay area that are located on, or adjacent to, some form of water.  They could be located on a small estuary with  Alameda homes, or in Alameda Bay Farm Island homes facing the bay. They could be alongside a stream in an Oakland hills home, or right on the ocean in San Francisco. 

With all the many options, it is important to consider the elements that surround a home purchase adjacent to water.  Generally, these homes are in demand because they are often quite appealing, so purchasing one becomes a bit more expensive, hence the need to make sure that you get the best value for your money.

The Pluses of Purchasing a Home On The Water:

1. The presence of water in any form is prized because it is a soothing,…

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In the past, we have discussed how important curb appeal can be to potential buyers.  We have made some suggestions about making the home as appealing as possible-both inside and out.  Now let us reverse the roles.  Let's assume you are looking at an Alameda home or an Alameda Bay Farm Island home with the intention of buying it.  It looks right.  It feels right.  However, you have only been inside on a tour once, or possibly a few more times.  What is the next step towards making the decision?  How can you avoid discovering unpleasant surprises once you purchase the home?  Besides the obvious home inspections and disclosures that you would be receiving, an additional plan towards making your decision is to drive around the area-a lot!

 You really…

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