Found 5 blog entries tagged as Oakland Jack London Square.

There are many annual tree lighting ceremonies in and around Oakland, but one of the most consistently popular ones has been the annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree in Jack London Square, located at the foot of Broadway in Oakland.  There will be so much going on from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. designed for all ages, that the choices will be difficult.   

If Christmas shopping is your intent, local artisans will be on hand with their crafts at 90 Holiday Pop Up sites for your consideration.  If you are looking for delightful entertainment, you can choose from the Tap Dancing Christmas Trees, the Oakland Ballet Sugar Plum Fairies, a  Jingle Bell Dance Contest, plus seasonal music and costumed Christmas characters to put you in the holiday mood.  Other…

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If you have been to Oakland's waterfront recently, you have no doubt seen the beginning of what is planned to be an amazing revitalization of the whole area south of Jack London Square.  This development is Brooklyn Basin, and promises an amazing mix of residential and retail that should completely revive much of the presently sadly neglected areas of Oakland's waterways.  

The picture above presents Brooklyn Basin as it will be seen when completed in the next 3-4 years.  It is estimated to cost over one billion dollars, and encompasses 64 acres.  13 buildings of residential housing will be developed here.  Sixty to seventy percent of this housing will be for sale, and 465 of the units are going to be below market rate.  Of the projected 3100…

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Actually, the question should be "Why not choose Oakland?". As a city, it's central location on the coast makes an ideal departure site for nearby San Francisco or busy San Jose.  It is short distance from scenic coastal towns like Monterey or Mendocino, or the nearby wine country of Napa and Sonoma counties.  
Looking for your own personal scenic views?

  feb_2009_044_400The hills above Oakland gives you a panoramic view in every direction. Enjoy water sports? The Oakland estuary offers everything from small kayaks to sailboat racing on weeknights, to the bright white Coast Guard cutters making ready for long offshore trips.
Enjoy mountain views?  The Claremont and Montclair neighborhoods have streets lined with ecalyptus, pine, manzanita and fir trees, causing you…

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This design concept of a 26 story residential tower at Jack London Square furnished by Ellis Partners.

Recently, Oakland Tribune writer Matthew Artz wrote an article relating that the development company Ellis Partners is interested in placing two residential towers amid the current hustle and bustle of Jack London Square shops and restaurants.  One tower would be 17 stories tall, and the other is projected to be 26 stories.  (see above)

Sides have been drawn up among supporters, and those not in agreement with the project.  Downtown Oakland has been, over the years, slowly growing and changing.  Within the last 7-10 years, the Fox Theater area, the Jack London area and adjacent neighborhoods have seen new homes, restaurants, entertainment and…

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Many new visitors arrive in Oakland daily, and many long term Oakland homeowners have never toured their city, nor discovered it's history.  If you are new to Oakland, or are considering purchasing a home here, the Oakland Walking Tours are a perfect opportunity to get to know the city's past and present downtown area. 

From May to October, these tours offer a free 90 minute walking tour through some of the historic and scenic areas of the Oakland downtown district from Jack London Square out to Lake Merritt.  History is everywhere, as are new and vital businesses awaiting your attention.

An example of the variety of the experience is the "Uptown to the Lake" tour. With the stress on classic Art Deco designs, it encompasses area…

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