Found 1 blog entry tagged as Oakland Lake Merritt.

Actually, the question should be "Why not choose Oakland?". As a city, it's central location on the coast makes an ideal departure site for nearby San Francisco or busy San Jose.  It is short distance from scenic coastal towns like Monterey or Mendocino, or the nearby wine country of Napa and Sonoma counties.  
Looking for your own personal scenic views?

  feb_2009_044_400The hills above Oakland gives you a panoramic view in every direction. Enjoy water sports? The Oakland estuary offers everything from small kayaks to sailboat racing on weeknights, to the bright white Coast Guard cutters making ready for long offshore trips.
Enjoy mountain views?  The Claremont and Montclair neighborhoods have streets lined with ecalyptus, pine, manzanita and fir trees, causing you…

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