Found 15 blog entries tagged as Open Houses.

There comes a time, when selling your Alameda or Alameda Bay Farm Island home, that potential buyers will be touring your home.  It is a fact that a large majority of homes today have pets.  They might be cats, dogs, birds or hamsters, but they are part of the household.  As such, they can create some issues for potential buyers viewing the home.

Here are some suggestions to prepare for visits:

1. Recognize a Problem With a Pet--If your dog barks, jumps up or leaps around, or your cat scratches anything that moves, it is time to make plans to find a safe, quiet, place for that pet during open houses and tours.  Many owners are used to this behavior, and have been unable or unwilling to change it.  Unfortunately, it creates the exact opposite of the…

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If you, as a potential buyer, have a genuine interest in an Oakland home, perhaps in Redwood Heights or Rockridge, and intend to view it's Open House, then you should have a list of questions to ask that will give you a real sense of the condition of the home.  This is the time to ask questions and get answers.  Here are some suggestions of things to discover:

1. What Is The Condition of the Floors? You will want to know about the floor condition at every level of the home-top to bottom.  When you enter the home, note the condition of any carpeting.  Is it new, recently clean, or just worn out?  If it is worn out, it may indicate deferred maintenance, which could be reflected elsewhere in the home.  Determine what kind of flooring is beneath the…

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Recently, in Part 1, we discussed the importance of curb appeal and updating your porch and entrance of your Oakland or Piedmont home. By creating an immediately pleasant first impression, buyers will look forward to the inside of your home.  In Part 2, we will discuss practical and inexpensive ways to reach these goals. 

Here are some suggestions to move ahead:

1. Research Your Neighborhood's Climate To Determine The Best Plants To Purchase And Maintain For Your Area.

a. The Internet is an outstanding source for deciding which plants and grass will grow well around your home.

b. Use all your research resources to do your homework.  Books, neighbors, trips through the neighborhood, etc..

c. Talk with your local nurserymen  They know the…

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As a seller of your Alameda or Alameda Bay Farm Island home, you may be surprised how valuable your neighbors can be when it comes to putting your home on the market.  They can be a huge asset, or a big liability, depending on your approach.

Most homeowners who are preparing to sell, are given suggestions and ideas about how to make their home attractive and appealing to potential buyers.  But all the planting of fresh plants, and application of new paint or drapes may be a waste of time if the house next door has piles of trash, or there is a car on blocks right outside your rear window. 

While it's possible that you have gotten used to this, or decided that it was not worth alienating the neighbors by asking them to clean up THEIR home, the…

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When you put your Piedmont home on the market, potential buyers are looking for many attractive features that interest them.  However, one of the most attractive things to them is space.  The more space that you can show them, the larger, and more appealing your home can become.  Space and room allows them options--the option to fit in their new furniture, redesign the dining room, or perhaps make a bedroom into an badly needed office.  

Your goal, then, should be to present them with an open, uncluttered, visually appealing home, that allows them to envision their things in that space, and encourage them to want to live there. One of my roles as your Piedmont and Oakland real estate agent, is to assist you in carrying out this plan. 

After living…

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Take it from an experienced Alameda Real Estate Agent, holding a sucessful Open House in your Alameda home is one that requires just a bit of pre-planning to make sure that you get the best response from your potential buyers. Here are some ideas for preparing your home in the competitive Alameda Real Estate area:

1. Clean Your Home Thoroughly:  While this seems obvious, many sellers are not aware of the importance that a clean and shiny home has to buyers.  Things that sellers they are used to, and see everyday around their home, like pet odors or piles of laundry in rooms, are complete turn offs to visitors, and causes them to skip many rooms and areas of the home because of their atmosphere. The most efficient solution is to have the family focus on…

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When you, as a potential buyer, begin to search for your Piedmont home, you will be given a MLS Property Information Sheet from each of the agents showing each property for sale.  This sheet is a truly valuable source of information for you about the house, and you should take the time to study it at every location before you leave to visit another. 

To really use it properly, you should first have a very good sense of the kind of home that you want. Really take the time to write things down.  How many square feet do you need?  How many bedrooms and baths?  What kind of yard is important?  Next, take this information and compare it to the MLS Sheet.  How close are the two parameters?  If they are good, move to the next step.

The next step is to…

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When buyers are considering purchasing a home, its size, and how it will fit their needs, becomes very important to them.  Even though you tell them that your Piedmont home is 2445 sq. ft., if it does not actually look that size when they enter, will cause you to lose much of the valuable first impressions of spaciousness that you want to convey.

Additionally, many Oakland homes and Berkeley homes are often quite large inside, but need to be presented in the best way possible.

 Many things can cause a home to look smaller than it is. Here are some tips to make it appear to be the size it actually is:

 1. Before you begin showing the home, go through each room and remove as much furniture as practicable. Side tables, end tables, bookcases, chairs and…

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While it is my job as your agent to sell your Piedmont home, there are many things that you, as a seller, can do that will move the process and the negotiations along sucessfully.  Here are some ideas:

1. Know What Your Property Is Worth--You are considering selling your home.  One of the most important first steps that you should take is to go my website, or to the various real estate web sites like Trulia or Zillow, and get a sense of what homes like yours are selling for today.  You will be amazed at the wealth of information available.  It may be a shock to you.  If you bought your home at the peak of the home selling cycle a few years ago, you will become aware that your home may not be worth what you want it to be.  If you have a true sense of…

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Recently, we discussed a number of issues to consider when touring a Berkeley home Open House.  They were centered around the condition of the home.  This time we will consider additional questions that will help you decide if this home will be a comfortable fit for you and your family.

a. Ask About Storage and Growth Space: Everyone needs storage space. Having lots of space is a real asset when considering a home--especially if you have a family.  Often, storage space is not immediately visible on the tour.  Some rooms or closets may be located in places other than the main floors.  Ask about the attic space, extra basement rooms, and all about the garage units.  Can you grow up or down?  How practical will that be financially?

b. Ask About What Is…

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