Buying Your Oakland or Piedmont Home-Money Saving Tips To Protect It
Posted by Bruce Wagg on
You and your family are excited that you have just bought a new Oakland or Piedmont home. Â It was something you all really wanted, and now you are going to settle in and enjoy it for years to come. Â These years of enjoyment, however, must be tempered with a maintenance plan to assure that you will have few, if any problems over your time living there.
The good news is that, with a little bit of planning, you can save yourself a lot of money down the road by taking these following steps to create a regular maintenance plan:
1. Clean and inspect all gutters, downspouts, and other drainage areas around the home to avoid damage     from leaks-whether interior or exterior.
2. Inspect your roof regularly for cracks, loose shingles or tiles, and…
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