Found 5 blog entries tagged as Sellers and Buyers.

If you want to create the maximum interest and attention from Piedmont or Montclair home buyers, you must be prepared to invest some funds into making your property one of the most attractive to potential buyers.  The good news is that it does not have to cost a great deal of money, but can, with some planning, reward you in the long run by increasing the value of your home, thus allowing you to recoup your expenses while meeting these goals. 

1. Clean, Organize, and Simplify Each Room--The goal is to present a fresh, open, and easy to appreciate space in every room of the home.

2. Spend Time Creating A Pleasant Atmosphere in Every Room--Have some style or design for each room, so it is easily viewed, and is immediately appealing.  Take some time…

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There comes a time, when selling your Alameda or Alameda Bay Farm Island home, that potential buyers will be touring your home.  It is a fact that a large majority of homes today have pets.  They might be cats, dogs, birds or hamsters, but they are part of the household.  As such, they can create some issues for potential buyers viewing the home.

Here are some suggestions to prepare for visits:

1. Recognize a Problem With a Pet--If your dog barks, jumps up or leaps around, or your cat scratches anything that moves, it is time to make plans to find a safe, quiet, place for that pet during open houses and tours.  Many owners are used to this behavior, and have been unable or unwilling to change it.  Unfortunately, it creates the exact opposite of the…

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When your Oakland home is on the market, you are going to find that you are showing it a lot to potential buyers and their realtors, whether through private showings, or through having an Open House.  If your schedule is as busy as most, you may not have time to stop everything and clean up the entire house just before they arrive to view your home. Here are some suggestions of things to do on a weekly basis, as needed, so there is no need for last minute scrambling:

a. Wash Your Windows, Mirrors and Shower Doors-Windows are one of the most overlooked items, and as such are often the most in need of attention.  Dirty windows, mirrors and glass doors, besides being unsightly, give the impression that less obvious things are being overlooked, as well,…

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As the result of a recently published analysis of various housing markets, Zillow-a multi use real estate web site, has concluded that the San Francisco Metropolitan Area is the second best area in the United States for home sellers.  The first area is the San Jose Metropolitan Area-not too far away.

Since the San Francisco Metropolitan Area, by definition, includes Oakland homes, Piedmont homes and other East Bay cities, that is encouraging news for those making plans to sell a home in our area. 

The criteria, for defining a seller's market, according to Zillow, is "one where sellers are more likely to sell their home for close to asking price, and where listings spend less time on the market."

Obviously, this situation varies from city to city,…

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Whether you live in an Oakland bungalow, or a large Piedmont mansion, you want your home to have the very best in curb appeal. The good news is that you can make things special, and do it on a budget. The hardest part is stepping away from your home, and seeing it as your neighbor or a future buyer might see it for the first time. That can be a interesting experience. What you see as cozy and cute, might be seen as crowded and small by an outsider.

Here are some inexpensive corrections to improve the approach to your front door

a. Clean up your walkway. Remove weeds between the cracks, level any paving stones.

b. Sweep and rake everywhere, removing all debris under the bushes and plants and in gutters.

c. Pull up all dead plants and outdated,…

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