Many new potential buyers of Oakland homes for sale, have a general idea of what they want in their future home in terms of price, location, yard space, square footage, etc..  Often, they will begin their search by touring Open Homes in various neighborhoods to get a sense of what is available.  Many times, they will begin these tours before choosing an agent to represent them.  Even when you have chosen me as your agent, these tours that you took were always a good thing to do.  

When you, as a potential buyer, began your search, you were given an MLS (Multiple Listing Service) informational sheet at each home that you visited.  What you may not have realized, is just how valuable this sheet is to you, and to me, as your agent, when deciding which home to choose.  The faster you can decide on a home that meet your needs, the closer you will be to making an offer.  With some homes, in this current marketplace, time is of the essense in making that decision.  

Much of this same information is available on my website under property information for each home, and can be downloaded easily. To use this MLS information properly, you need to take the time to truly analyze just what you want in detail, and then compare how closely the information matches your needs. Whether you are looking in Montclair, Piedmont Pines,  or anywhere else,  the same format applies--write everything down first, before you go over the information sheets that you have. Be specific.

Your first step is to analyze the obvious major features--how many bedrooms, baths, and how much square footage do you need?  How big a yard?  Are any of these homes close in price in conjunction with these important elements?  

The next step is the most important--move down to the "Features" or "Amenities" of the home on your list.  This would include things like air conditioning, fireplace, views, upgraded kitchen or bathroom, quality tile floors, etc..  These all add value to the basic home.  Are you willing to pay for that extra value?  Do you even want or need these things?

Another element is condition and availability.  You will have some, but not all, disclosures made as to the condition of the property on this sheet.  If the property is a "fixer upper" at a good price, is that a consideration?  If you can't take possession within a reasonable time, will that be an issue?  Is something a "red flag" that you want to know more about?

 Whatever your concerns, write them down, and ask me questions immediately.  I can get these answers quickly, and you can make your home buying experience an educated and informed one. 




Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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