The best thing you can do before your house goes on the market is to de-clutter and de-personalize your home. Remember, you want the buyers to be able to envision themselves living in your home. You don't want them distracted by thinking"I wonder what kind of people live in this house?" Remove family pictures, knick knacks and collectables. You are going to have to pack these things up when you move anyway, so why not do it now?

Entryway-Make this area sparkle. This will be the first impression buyers see when they walk through the door.
- Remove coats and jackets that might be hanging here.
- Remove shoes. If you need to keep some shoes here, think about getting a basket with a top to hide them.
- Remove clutter from the entryway table if you have one.
Living Areas- These rooms should appear neutral to appeal to all sorts of people.
- Remove personal items from walls and table tops.
- Remove extra pillows from chairs and couches that are not needed.
- Remove any extra furniture that is not needed. This will make the room appear larger.
- Take all unnecessary magazines, books and papers off of tabletops.
- Reduce the amount of things you might have on bookshelves.
Kitchen- This room is often the heart of the home. It is important for buyers to be able to envision themselves cooking, or just hanging out here.
- Clear off the counters. Make sure buyers can see how much counter space you really have.
- Remove personal items from the refrigerator, i.e. magnets, notes, pictures.
- Clear off the top of the refrigerator as well.
- De-clutter under the sink. Remove any cleaning products that you might not need.
- People will be opening your cabinets and drawers. Make sure they are not going to open up a cabinet and have things fall out on them.
Bedrooms- These rooms should appear restful and relaxing.
- Remove excess objects from the tops of bedside tables and dressers.
- Take extra pictures or objects off the walls.
- Think about removing extra furniture from the room. If you have two dressers, see if you can live with one during the time you are trying to sell your home.
- For children’s rooms, try to pack up some toys or objects that they don’t play with as much. Think about investing in containers where you can store the toys. These can be removed from the room during an Open House or a showing of your home.
Bathrooms-These rooms should feel clean and bright.
- Clean off counter tops.
- Remove any products from the shower that you don’t need on a daily basis.
- Remove children’s toys from the tub.
- Remove plungers and toilet brushes.
- De-clutter under your sink.
- Minimize the things in your medicine cabinet.
Closets- Buyers want to see how much closet space they will be getting.
- Remove off-season clothing to make it appear that you have extra space in the closet.
- Reduce the amount of shoes.
- Pack up things you will not be needing before you move.
- Thing about organizing your closet in a logical manner.
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