When the time comes to sell a home, both the sellers and the buyers should be prepared to consider ordering a professional home inspection as part of the process.  There are a number of reasons for this.  For the buyers of an Alameda home, a home inspection is a reasonably priced way to assure that they are getting the full picture of the condition of the home that they want to purchase.  The sellers, however, should consider ordering a home inspection before they put their home on the market.  This is worthwhile, because it allows them to have a sense of what issues need dealing with.  With this information, they can decide which repairs really need attention, and which they are willing to negotiate about with the potential buyers. 

Depending on the area and the home inspector chosen, the inspection should take between two to four hours, and can cost between $450-$700 on average.  The cost can go higher depending on the size, condition and age of the home, so be sure to ask a lot of questions at the outset to determine the projected cost.  Upon completion of the work, you should be presented with a professional, printed report with all details and references clearly defined.

The inspection should address structural, mechanical and all operational elements of the home.  Items that must be addressed include:

1.  Plumbing and Electrical Systems               2. Heating and Cooling Systems

3. Garages                                                   4. All Interior Walls

5. All External Walls, Condition                      6. All Exterior Trim, Attachments

7. Chimney and Operating Condition              8. Foundation All Around and Any Slabs

9. Garage, Basement and Crawl Spaces          10. Bathrooms, Tubs, Tile, Drainage

11. Attention to the Roof and Attic Condition - Should Address Insulation, Ventilation, Flashing,  Leakage, Drainage, Gutters and Downspouts.

12. Attention to the Kitchen-Should Address the Condition of the Cabinets, Sinks, Faucets and Drains, Garbage Disposal and All Appliances

When this is complete, you should have a valuable source of information for all parties involved in the sale of the home.  It should make negotiations much more informative and effective.

Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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