In Part 1, we discussed the importance of gathering all your records together to be prepared to discuss and analyze all the factors that will be involved in pricing your Oakland home for sale. However, as you go over all these replacement and repair issues, you will realize that there may be potential problems in preparing your home for sale.  Any serious problems will have to be revealed to future buyers. 

1. Deal With Issues That Must Be Disclosed to Potential Buyers

Most homes have things that need to be addressed--cracked water pipes in the back yard, a chimney that needs attention, or hidden structural cracks that can cause future problems.  Many of these things have come about due to deferred maintenance, or lack of funds to fix them. California law requires that the homeowner disclose these these issues to possible buyers.

a. It it my job to explain all the disclosure requirements to you, so that you can make a list of what needs to be addressed.

b. Take the time to investigate all parts of your home before I come, and be completely frank in your evaluation, because this is another important element that will speed your home's sale.

c. Decide ahead of time what you will be prepared to fix and pay for, and what you are not able to afford to do.  It will save huge amounts negotiation time, and help me get the best possible price for your home.

2. Make a Plan to Address Important Issues That Need Correction

All homes are going to need repair and fixing of things that will enhance the sale of their home, and make it stand out in the marketplace. Here are some ideas:

a. Do some preliminary research about the cost of the repairs that need to be done.  Perhaps contact a past contractor, and discuss what seems realistic and affordable.

b. Use the Internet for all kinds of suggestions and ideas that will address your problems. There are many ways to deal with the same issue, and there are long lists of web sites full of helpful information.

3. Why Your Preparation Pays Off--Financially

Every minute that you take to deal with these issues will assist me to get the best possible price for your home in the Oakland hills, and allow you to be ready to deal with the upcoming negotiations in an efficient and informed manner.

So, if you want to move your home onto the Financial Fast Track-get moving and "Be Prepared".


Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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