Families in the Redwood Heights neighborhood can look forward to fun tomorrow night at the Redwood Heights Recreation Center. This Friday, September 13th (weather permitting), the center will be offering a Movie in the Park designed to appeal to all ages.  The movie is held in the park area next to the center, and is free of charge.  Previous movies have included "Spy Kids", "The Princess Bride", Brave, "The Lorax", and many more.  This week they are showing the very popular "Back To The Future".

Nearby Montclair and Oakmore homeowners are encouraged to join in as well.  The advice from the Recreation Center is to plan to dress warmly, bring your own food and lawn chairs, or, if you want to get into the movie mood, popcorn will be available for $0.50, and hot chocolate for $0.75.   All movies begin at dusk, so be sure to check ahead of time as to the exact time for the movie, by calling the center to assure that it is scheduled as planned and get the firm time for it's start. The center can be reached at (510)482-7827, and is located at 3883 Aliso Avenue. Enjoy!

Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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