Every year, the Piedmont Wildwood Elementary School Dad's Club presents their Pumpkin Patch for your consideration.  This yearly fund raiser is a means by which money is raised to buy special things for the school that the budget cannot--computers, iPads, musical instruments, and more.  

If you are looking for pumpkins for your Halloween celebrations, this is the place to be, because you will find pumpkins of every size and color.  Want to design an unique or creative decoration?  There are yellow, pink and white pumpkins-big and small.  Want to do some cooking?  There are the standard orange pumpkins, and sugar pie pumpkins.   Want to make a spectacular table arrangement? Be sure to discover the huge variety of squash and turban squash available for your use.

If you are looking for a very large pumpkin to decorate your home, you have a chance of winning one.  For the simple fee of $1.00 per guess, you can guess the weight of a super large pumpkin there in the patch, and if you come the closest, you will win it.  It will be delivered free to your Piedmont, or very close, neighborhood.  

There is more fun available, so if you want to discover it,  be sure to visit Piedmont's Coaches Field at  951 Moraga Avenue, and see what it is.  Hours are 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekends.  Halloween is not far away, so don't wait too long to get that very special family pumpkin.

Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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