Found 1 blog entry tagged as 2013 Piedmont Turkey Trot.

Yes, it's just around the corner--Thanksgiving Day. Also just around the corner, on that very same day is the annual Piedmont Turkey Trot. This is a family oriented 3 mile run/walk that starts in downtown Piedmont, and moves throughout the beautiful tree lined streets of the city, providing beautiful fall views and safe, comfortable, running conditions. 

Early registration provides you with a bit of a discount.  If you register by November 26th, the fees are $25 for ages 13 years and older, and $15 for 12 years and younger. (After November 26th, it becomes $40/$30).  Also early registration provides you with an opportunity to receive a commemorative long-sleeved shirt if you are among the first 1800 signed up.  If you are not sure of your schedule,…

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