Whether home buyers are brand new, or old timers, certain basic procedures apply when preparing to buy a home.  Most of these are undertaken in conjunction with a real estate agent who can assist you in meeting your final home purchasing goals.  As an experienced agent, it is my goal to help you move forward in the most efficient way possible to obtain your new Montclair home.  Actually, that is the first step that should be taken--find an experienced, well informed agent to guide you along your path.  His or her experience in isolating your needs, finding your home, and negotiating its purchase should be your number one goal. 

Here are some additional things to consider when preparing to buy a home:

1. Know Your Finances- Take the time to fully appraise your financial situation, and know what the price range is for the home that you can afford. You want to be fully informed and able to answer the questions of any lender that you approach.  Be prepared to talk to a number of lenders.You may not get the loan from the first few lenders that you contact. 

2. Be Clear About Your Needs-It is very important when buying a home to be clear on what you must have, and what you can give up, what is important, and what is not. If needed, agree on these things with your purchasing partner to make negotiations smoother as you move forward.   

3. Listen To Your Seller-Determine what the seller's strongest demands are, and be prepared to counter and negotiate if you really want the home.  If you take a stand, and refuse to budge, someone who is more flexible may step in ahead of you.  It could take a while in some circumstances, so, if necessary, be patient and persistent. 

4. Buy With A Plan To The Future-Statistically, most home buyers move within 4-5 years of their purchase.  The home you like now may not meet your needs down the road.  You may very well want to move.  As such, always consider the potential resale value of the home you are presently considering.  Will other buyers like it as much as you do?  Will you have to put a lot more money into it to get a reasonable return on your investment?  Are there future issues in the city or neighborhood that could affect its value-up or down?  It's worth the time to find out. 



Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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