Found 2 blog entries tagged as Oakland Montclair Village Homes for Sale.

You are searching for just the right Montclair home, and have already looked at a lot of houses.  Perhaps you are getting discouraged.  What you want, you may not be able to afford, or it might not be roomy enough.  To search effectively, it is time to take a break from the many good and bad choices that you may be making, and begin to focus. Here are some tips to help:

1.DETERMINE THE "MUST HAVE" ELEMENTS FOR YOUR FUTURE HOME--This may take some time, because there may be a lot of these to start with.  But, with some serious consideration, a list will develop that isolates these items for you.  It may start with a special school district-a real "must have", or it may be a minimum of 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, or a larger backyard.  Whatever the…

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Whether home buyers are brand new, or old timers, certain basic procedures apply when preparing to buy a home.  Most of these are undertaken in conjunction with a real estate agent who can assist you in meeting your final home purchasing goals.  As an experienced agent, it is my goal to help you move forward in the most efficient way possible to obtain your new Montclair home.  Actually, that is the first step that should be taken--find an experienced, well informed agent to guide you along your path.  His or her experience in isolating your needs, finding your home, and negotiating its purchase should be your number one goal. 

Here are some additional things to consider when preparing to buy a home:

1. Know Your Finances- Take the time to…

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