While it is my job as your agent to sell your Piedmont home, there are many things that you, as a seller, can do that will move the process and the negotiations along sucessfully.  Here are some ideas:

1. Know What Your Property Is Worth--You are considering selling your home.  One of the most important first steps that you should take is to go my website, or to the various real estate web sites like Trulia or Zillow, and get a sense of what homes like yours are selling for today.  You will be amazed at the wealth of information available.  It may be a shock to you.  If you bought your home at the peak of the home selling cycle a few years ago, you will become aware that your home may not be worth what you want it to be.  If you have a true sense of your home's value, we can come to a realistic price for it, and move it more quickly for you.  If you have no idea about value, you might feel the need to stay with what are now outdated pricing parameters, and delay any sale opportunities that might arise.

2. Understand That Not Everyone Will Appreciate Your Improvements:  You may, over the years, have invested a great deal of money in home renovation and room additions.  These additions suit your needs perfectly, but buyers will be looking at them from a totally different point of view--specifically, how they meet their needs.  Just understanding this difference in approach to these items will help in discussing the final price of the home.

3. Let Potential Buyers Have Complete Privacy During Home Showings: There will be a tendancy to want to show potential buyers all the hard work that you have put into making your home sale ready.  Perhaps you have upgraded the carpets, installed new appliances, redone the bathroom, and you want to be there at the showing to make sure that they see all these things when they come through.  This is not a good idea, and as much as possible, all our showings should be done with just me as the agent, and the buyers.  It is important that buyers have a quiet and thoughtful time given to them as they move through the home.  They need to ask questions and talk privately among themselves about what will be a very important purchase in their lives.  They will not feel comfortable doing either if the owner is following them about or engaging them in conversations. 

Implementing these few suggestions will help in isolating the important issues that are involved in selling your home in a timely and efficient manner.


Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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