It is an exciting time as you begin to look for your new Alameda or Alameda Bay Farm Island Home.  There are so many issues to be considered.  My job, as your real estate agent is to place you in the very best home that meets both your financial and personal priorities. 

If you are like most future home owners, you have created a rather extensive list of ideal things that you would like to see in your new house. The key to getting what you want in the most practical and affordable manner is to isolate your highest priorities, and work with them first.  If you can tell me, as your agent, your most important issues, we can focus on them first, and move you ahead quickly.  With fewer homes on the market right now in many areas, a prompt and reasonable response may be what is needed to assure consideration by the seller. 

In Part 1--Let us consider the broadest areas that interest you.  Here are some questions that you should begin with to start your search:

1. What Areas of Alameda Hold Appeal For You?--If you are considering Alameda, you probably already have an idea of where you want to live in the city.  This area may be based on the location of your extended family, the closeness to churches, stores, parks, nearby friends, etc..  Whatever elements make  certain areas your choice, we can decide on which are the most important to you, to assure that they are addressed immediately. 

2. What Schools Are Important To You?--For families with children, this is always one of the most defininitive issues in choosing a home.  In any city, certain schools are very much in demand due to their educational quality.  Target these schools, as defined by the local school district, so that we can direct our attention to homes served by these schools.

In Part 2, we will address the most specific questions that you will need to ask yourself as you look for your ideal home.   


Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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