In my last blog-Part 1-I encouraged sellers to consider some of the qualities that they might consider when selling their Alameda home, or their Alameda Bay Farm Island home.  There are some additional qualities which are mandatory for all successful real estate agents:

1. Posseses A Thorough Knowledge of Real Estate Paperwork and Protocol-In this competitive field, the agent needs to know all about the basic real estate purchase contract, addendums, disclosure forms, listing and selling procedures, whom to talk to, when to talk to them,and in what order and manner.  This only comes with experienced and thorough training.  You need to assure yourself that your agent is qualified to help you by asking lots of questions.  Ask for referrals from the agent's previous clients. 

2. Will Commit To Communicating With You Frequently, and Completely--One of the major complaints about agents has been that they do not keep their clients in the picture with the progression of the sale, or issues that may arise surrounding it.  That is not acceptable.  Between you both, you should establish a regular time for receiving updates, and receiving them in a manner that works best for you both--phone, e-mail, texting etc.. 

3. Will Be A Help In Preparing Your Home For Sale--The agent should be willing to tell you the issues that need to be corrected in and around your home to improve its likelihood of selling. He should have a stable of safe, reasonable and talented construction workers, designers, gardeners, that he can refer to you, and that you both can count on.

4. Integrity--Without a doubt, this is a short word which carries huge implications when considering someone who will be helping you make one of the major financial decisions of your lift-selling your home.  Without an honest, dedicated agent, things can go awry quickly.  Be sure that you are very comfortable with your choice.  As suggested above, contact others in the area who have dealt with this agent. Good agents have a reputation that follows them everywhere, so do your homework. 

I encourage you to contact me and allow me to show you how I can assist you.  I believe that I possess all of these many qualities, plus a complete and thorough awareness of the East Bay real estate marketplace based on my lifetime residence here.


Posted by Bruce Wagg on


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