When you, as a potential buyer, begin to search for your Piedmont home, you will be given a MLS Property Information Sheet from each of the agents showing each property for sale.  This sheet is a truly valuable source of information for you about the house, and you should take the time to study it at every location before you leave to visit another.Â
To really use it properly, you should first have a very good sense of the kind of home that you want. Really take the time to write things down. How many square feet do you need? How many bedrooms and baths? What kind of yard is important? Next, take this information and compare it to the MLS Sheet. How close are the two parameters? If they are good, move to the next step.
The next step is to look at the fine points listed under "Features". This is where your major decisions will be made, and where you need to be prepared to asked detailed questions.  The form will tell you about the roof and exterior construction, the heating and/or cooling systems, the types of bathrooms and how many, the flooring, the parking, the slope of the lot, what disclosures have already been made, the conditions about taking possession, and so much more.Â
If some of these things put out a red flag for you, ask questions immediately, and put these concerns on a list to discuss with me as your buyers agent.  If you are genuinely interested in the home, you will be pleased to have this information for your consideration, and this advanced planning will save you valuable time should you come across that perfect home, and want to act promptly to make an offer.
Posted by Bruce Wagg on
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